Paul Cuffee Middle School students, dressed in pink as an emblem of solidarity with breast cancer patients, worked hard last month to raise money and awareness for breast cancer treatment. Selling handmade bracelets and holding bake sales, the students raised $400 to support the Integrative Care Program in women’s oncology at Women and Infants Hospital. The program offers non-conventional treatments such as massage, acupuncture, reflexology, yoga, and expressive arts in conjunction with conventional cancer care.
Paul Cuffee After School students visited Women and Infants recently to donate the funds they had raised. In keeping with the program’s belief that even small things done to improve “the moment” can make a huge difference in a cancer patient’s life, the students presented patients in the Chemo Infusion unit with a heart box that included a bracelet, a god’s eye craft, a cloth rose, and a notepad with a special note from the students.